Behind every campaign and brand is a story!

This is Ola's story of what she went through before becoming a swim instructor and helping others jumpstart their swimming journey. Her story is similar to thousands and millions of other Muslim girls who choose to wear the headscarf to the pool!

Are you looking to hear other Muslim women stories and get inspired from them related to swimming?

Would you like to learn more about the importance of learning how to swim?

Have you ever been told that you can not swim due to what you wear?

Do you know someone who needs support with their swimming journey but are afraid to get started?

Would you like to get back into swimming but need some motivation and support?

You too can become a swimmer!

Watch for inspiration, motivation, and dedication to the swimming world!

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About Coach Ola

She is an ACE certified personal trainer, podcast host, and a swim instructor.

Her mission is to help women find their inner strength to push through and to speak up for themselves.

She understands her stories and struggles are similar to others which is why she shared her story as well as others to inspire others into swimming and seek professional help for mental health.